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Christian Peter

Director - ElektroMobiliyClub Austria (ElektroMobilitätsClub Österreich)

Born in Vienna in 1956, Christian Peter grew up in Wiener Neustadt. During his high school years, he discovered his interest in technology and started building all kinds of electronic devices for himself, his family and friends. As part of his studies in general electrical engineering at the Vienna University of Technology, he also dealt with microprocessors that were emerging at the time and built his first own computer. With a job offer at IBM Austria, his dream of a career in IT came true, he dropped out of his studies and stayed with IBM until he retired. The tasks over the course of these 37 years were varied and often took him abroad (Europe, USA, Africa, the Middle East and Asia) as part of international management and executive assignments. Since ending his career at IBM, he has been a volunteer in a NGO in his hometown that helps refugees. He is also intensively involved with electromobility and has been driving purely electrically himself since 2017. He is a volunteer director of the ElektroMobilitätsClub Österreich, gives lectures, organizes competence meetings, educates and gives advice at car, building and energy exhibitions and also writes on this topic. The Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Technology honored his competence in climate protection with the formal title "klimaaktiv mobil Kompetenzpartner".

On the subject of electromobility you can reach him at the email address : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.