Since 1994, the Principality of Monaco has been pursuing an incentivizing policy for electric mobility. Initially, it began as a subsidy primarily targeting electric vehicles registered under company names. Subsequently, it was expanded to include private individuals in 2002 and hybrid vehicles in 2004. In 2003, Monaco had very few electric or hybrid vehicles, but data from that period is not available. However, 20 years later, significant progress has been made.
In addition, in 1996, the Electric Vehicle Club was established within civil society to promote electric mobility over the years. To this day, the mission has been accomplished. This association also introduced the Jeun’Elec competition, an awareness-raising initiative on sustainable mobility aimed at students in the Principality of Monaco. Adolescents aged 13 to 15, about to obtain their first two-wheelers, are sensitized to air pollution issues caused by road transport and solutions to reduce it.
This year, the 21st edition of Jeun’Elec was revamped to provide a format tailored to this generation. Thus, awareness took the form of an Escape Game, turning the traditional test day into a fun-filled experience.
In 2005, the Principality of Monaco hosted and co-organized EVS21.
In 2006, in continuation of this event, through the recently created MC2D association, Monaco organized the EVER Forum on electric vehicles, clean mobility, energy efficiency, and renewable energies.
Furthermore, a working group was established in parallel to meet 2-3 times a year to discuss the subject with various stakeholders in mobility in the Principality, including public authorities, civil society, and operators.